Learn to Spin Poi

    • Beginner Poi Tutorial Series

      From the basics of how to hold poi all the way up to the three-beat weave. This is the course for the absolute beginner. We take things slow and use detailed lessons to show you exactly what you need to know to get the basics of poi under your belt! You can support the Poi artist (Drex) that makes these videos by visiting his website.
    • Practice Makes Perfect

      Nothing in life comes easy and with poi, you will need to put in some practice to advance. The good thing is you are an amazing human being and if you dedicate only days to the art you should be able to learn the basics and move on to more advanced techniques.
    • Have Fun!

      Don't beat yourself up to bad! Seriously watch out for that flying poi. (hehe) But all jokes aside, poi should be fun and not frustrating. If you are having trouble with a trick, switch it up and try something else. It will all come with time.
    • Videos Help You Learn

      Viewing others spinning poi can help you understand moves and complex styles quickly. Not to say you cant figure this out on your own, but our site and social media channels are packed with videos with amazing artist spinning poi.